Friday, November 03, 2006

Goodbye Villa del Mar

I find myself feeling sad today over the loss of my favorite area restaurant. Villa del Mar has shut its doors for good. Even if you live here in Plano, you probably haven’t heard of the place. Every time my family and I visited (about twice a week or more for a couple of months after finally discovering it) there was rarely anyone there. That’s a shame, because the food was excellent, and the owners were some of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. They didn’t speak much English, but they loved to play with our one year old boys, who would run around the mostly deserted restaurant smiling, laughing, squealing, falling down, and dancing with the owners (of course, dancing for them basically means bouncing up and down, but it’s very cute). It’s just so sad to have met the owners, seen how they poured their heart into this place, and then see it fail. Villa del Mar deserved better, and they most certainly did. All I can hope is that they find success elsewhere. Best of luck to you, wherever you are. You’re already missed.


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